career opportunities for students Oregon

How helpful are career opportunities for students in Oregon?

Career exploration is a helpful way for students to consider their interests and goals and to focus their energies in the right direction. Why are career exploration activities important for students? Although some people might be lucky enough to find their ideal careers by accident, for most, identifying the proper fit means planning and reflecting. Even if you change your mind or go in a different direction later on, exploring career opportunities for students in Oregon now might help you uncover something important about your goals for your professional life.


You may already have an idea (or several) about what you want your career to look like. That’s great! Your exploration as a student could help you narrow in on your most vital interests or open your eyes to career paths you never knew existed. For students who want to be productive and efficient with their time and studies, exploring career options is essential for building a direct link between their education and their futures.


How Do Career Exploration Activities Work?


Career exploration activities should be enjoyable! They can take many forms, including brainstorming sessions, games, and conversations with experts in a field. These activities require students to reflect on their goals, values, and skills. For some students, this might be the first time you consider questions about your future career. To help get the conversation going, try out some fun career exploration activities that can help students find what they love.


What Is an Internship and How Does It Work?


An internship is an introductory work experience in a professional career field. It is sometimes a paid one, though usually at the lowest end of the pay scale, and sometimes unpaid. The purpose of an internship is to gain experience and insight into a particular field while performing some functional work in exchange of the experience.


For example, if you get an internship in a research lab, you will usually stay in hands-on lab work. Instead, you’ll start cleaning the lab and entering data into the spreadsheets. While this might sound tedious, it will also allow you to connect with the people who work there, learn about the regular functioning of the worksite, and give you an idea of whether or not a career in this field might interest you.


Before you commit to an internship, you should always ensure you are clear on the expectations. Understand the time commitment, the length of the internship, the roles and responsibilities, and whether or not you’ll be receiving anything in exchange. Some of the unpaid internships might offer other perks like free of cost classes at related institutions, travel reimbursement, or even housing. It would help if you were also sure you understood and were comfortable sticking with your responsibilities.


Internships are a great way to break into challenging career fields. For students who want to gain the experience in research, medicine, law, or other professions typically requiring an advanced degree, a proper internship is a way to gain some insight and expertise without the commitment of a degree. You will learn about the field and build meaningful connections with the right people who might ultimately write you a great recommendation or even offer you a job.


Internship Opportunities for High School Students 


Internships are another fantastic way to gain practical experience, develop skills, and expand your network to find the right career opportunities for students in Oregon. Here are some internship options for high school students:


  • Local Businesses:

Approach local businesses in your area and inquire about internships or job shadowing opportunities. This could be a chance to explore careers in various fields like marketing, graphic design, event planning, or even healthcare.

  • Online Platforms:

Utilize online resources such as internship search engines, career websites, and professional networks. Websites like LinkedIn, Indeed, and InternMatch offer internship listings specifically for high school students. Create an account, then set up your profile, and start browsing available opportunities

  • Educational Institutions:

Reach out to universities, research institutions, or colleges near you. Many of them have programs that offer internships to high school students. Explore their websites or contact relevant departments to inquire about available opportunities.


If you’re a high school student looking for career guidance, consider booking an online career counseling session with Checking Out Career Paths with Chaz, the best career counseling tool for high school teachers. Our experienced counselors can help you explore your interests, identify potential career paths, and develop the skills you need for success.