career planning for high school students in Oregon

Factors to Know about Career Planning for High School Students in Oregon

Career planning for high school students in Oregon is a process of extensively planning the career goals, abilities and assessing the opportunities of a student. For instance, if a student’s career goal is to become a scientist, he/she needs the right information about the relevant courses to get there. In simple terms, students need the right guidance to achieve a career of their preference. Career planning and development is a crucial part of growing professionally and in a systematic manner. In other words, a career plan is the process that determines which professional route is the most suitable one for a student considering their interests, personality, and goals.

However, the problem in career planning for high school students in Oregon is even if the students have specific goals in mind, they are not aware of the path that they need to achieve the goals. Checking Out Career Paths with Chaz is such a resource that can help every student to create a career trajectory to achieve growth, sustainability, and learn new skills. Checking Out Career Paths with Chaz helps with career development and planning in the best possible way. Make no mistake; you will be in command of your professional and personal growth. Here is how Checking Out Career Paths with Chaz will help.


Career Planning & Development with Checking Out Career Paths with Chaz


Checking Out Career Paths with Chaz is such a tool that supports and guides every student at the high school level while they explore hundreds of occupations in the present job market. It was created to help students to discover occupations that will be a good fit for them among hundreds of occupations that exist in the present labour market.

Checking Out Career Paths with Chaz offers detailed and consolidated information about specific jobs found on the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics website. Using this information and the information that students gain about their interests, their interests, and their strong skills, students can see if certain occupations will be a good match for them. The best part is they can use Checking Out Career Paths with Chaz again and again throughout high school and beyond to explore every possible occupation.


Importance of Self-Evaluation in Career Planning for High School Students in Oregon 


The first and foremost step of career planning in high school students in Oregon is self-evaluation. This is about making an informed judgement about yourself and your goals. It is crucial to examine the strengths, personality, interests, abilities, and aptitude. To do so, Checking Out Career Paths with Chaz offers a self-discovery assessment designed to gather information specific to every student about their learning style, career interests, and careers that match their skill. This program will help the students to shortlist their search to a few occupations. Thus, students can even look in their communities to investigate the occupations that they have chosen.


Importance of Career Research in Career Planning for High School Students in Oregon


Conducting career research is the next step in career planning and growth. Once you have determined your interests, aptitude, and capabilities, investigate different occupations that will be a good fit for you. This is again where Checking Out Career Paths with Chaz can help a student. Since Checking Out Career Paths with Chaz offers detailed information on multiple occupations available in the market, students will get a clear idea about what the occupation is really like and whether it will be the right choice for a career in the future. Rest assured that the program can be done with an individual, a student or a group of students.