career opportunities for students Oregon

How to solve the problems involved in finding the right career opportunities for students Oregon?

You are graduating high school this year, or you graduated last year. Next fall, you plan to go to college or university or explore a skilled trade. Some form of post-secondary training or education will happen but what? When you look in the mirror and ask yourself, “What’s next?” your most common response is, “I don’t know.”

Can you relate? If so, don’t worry. You’re not alone. There are many high school students out there who go through the same crisis. There needs to be more awareness and information about the various career opportunities for students in Oregon after passing out of school. Especially when the students have already endured a lot during the pandemic, finding the right way to build a career in high school is more challenging. They also had to go through a lot of mental health issues.


Finding the right career opportunities can be overwhelming


Exploring career paths is an exciting undertaking. You don’t need to know your future career yet, but learning about a few that interests you will help set you up for success.

Career exploration is identifying your skills and interests, mapping them into a handful of careers, and further investigating them through research and hands-on experience. It may feel daunting to figure out where to start, but an efficient career counselor tool can do it in easy, manageable steps.

Similarly, we must understand students’ assumptions, expectations, and values regarding their future lifestyles and goals. Students and families must be at the center of this work in designing pathways that support and meet their needs.


Paths students can take after completing high school


The belief that higher education is the only way to attain exceptional career opportunities is a half-truth. With anchored determination and the will to pursue education, learners can achieve extraordinary heights with the proper career guidance after the 10th!

Options like diploma courses, certification courses, government jobs, or starting your own business, 10th graduates receive an entire platter of vibrant career opportunities in their field of interest. Several other career opportunities do not require a formal degree or certification of education. All it takes is knowing your options well.


Understanding and identifying the different informational resources


The U.S. Department of Labor has different rules about youth employment. These rules varyr depending on your age, but they often restrict the types of jobs and number of hours you can work. States may have additional restrictions too. But who will inform the high schoolers about all these resources and sources of information? This is where a career guidance tool such as Checking Out Career Paths with Chaz can help. This tool can guide students to understand which career path is right for them and also what learning, training, or courses need to be undertaken to follow that particular career path.

Checking Out Learning Styles with Chaz is one of three assessment tools bundled in a career path program, Checking Out Career Paths with Chaz. Understanding how a student learns the best is one step in helping that student become productive and successful. This program is a self-discovery tool for guiding secondary students toward possible careers. It can be given individually to a student or in a group setting with students. Using the lesson plans with detailed instructions, a counselor, a teacher, a parent, or a paraprofessional can guide a student through activities in the assessment.