career opportunities for students

How to Choose the Best Career Opportunities for Students?

There is no denying the fact that school students these days have countless career options to choose from. As a high-school student, if you want to explore the “career opportunities for students”, you will come across many choices. The question is, how will you choose the right career for you? If you don’t have any idea how to figure out the right career path, the task will seem insurmountable. Fortunately, Checking Out Career Paths with Chaz makes this easy for high school students. This is the best and most effective tool to support and guide high school students while they explore hundreds of occupations in the current job market.

As a high school student, you need an organized process that will increase your chances of making the right decision, especially regarding career choices. Checking Out Career Paths with Chaz aims to help students discover the occupations that are a good fit for them amongst the huge array of occupations in the present labor market. So, how can a high school student use Checking Out Career Paths with Chaz to find the best career opportunities for students?


How Checking Out Career Paths with Chaz Works?


To find the best career opportunities for students, it is crucial to assess the students and create a list of the careers that they think might match their interests. As we mentioned above, Checking Out Career Paths with Chaz helps students discover the right occupations. Using the information that students gather about their interests, their strong skills, and their learning style, along with the detailed information about the specific jobs found on the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Website, students can check out to see if the occupations are the right match for them. The best thing is, if you are a high school student, you can use Checking Out Career Paths with Chaz repeatedly throughout high school and beyond to explore other possible occupations.

The product, Checking Out Career Paths with Chaz, guides secondary students through different career choices using several websites that include current, accurate and detailed information about hundreds of careers. Every student will get self-discovery assessments designed to gain information specific to a student about their career interests, learning styles and careers that match their skills. The program will help the students to shortlist their search into a few occupations helping them to look for opportunities in their communities to research more about the occupations that they have chosen.


Why Checking Out Career Paths with Chaz is the Best to Choose Career Opportunities for Students?


  • Checking Out Career Paths with Chaz can be used by a counselor, a teacher, a parent or a paraprofessional.
  • Any student or students can do the program individually or in a group.
  • All you need is a computer with internet access, a pencil, and a fold
  • The timing is very flexible for this program. In one sitting, it can take three hours, or you can complete it in multiple sittings over a few days, months or weeks. It is designed so that you can revisit it over the years to gain new career information.
  • Parents and teachers can use the information gathered about students at conferences or offer information for the Postsecondary Transition Section on Students’ I.E.P. (Individual Education Plan).

Here is what you shall find in the program:

  • A PowerPoint Presentation of 29 pages
  • Lesson plan with detailed instruction

Printable worksheet that includes:

  1. Learning Style Profile Sheet
  2. Matching Up Skills Sheet
  3. Matching Up Interest Sheet
  4. Exploring Careers Sheet
  5. Reflection Questions Sheet