Investigate all types of occupations and jobs

What are the ideal sources to investigate for all types of occupations and jobs?

Career information refers to planning and managing one’s professional career. Gathering career information involves investigating all types of occupations and jobs and plan a career strategy. Furthermore, many sources of career information exist nowadays. Most noteworthy, career information identifies various possible career paths. Therefore, individuals can compare career paths or options based on to career information.

Career information helps individuals prepare the overall pattern and design of one’s future careers. This information also identifies the various goals and career interests of individuals. Career information provides a general approach for an individual towards his career. Career information relates to all types of jobs, whether skilled, semi-skilled, or unskilled.

Different sources of career information

Personal contacts

Personal contact includes one’s family, relatives, friends, and acquaintances. These contacts are essential in providing career information. The personal contacts might be able to provide information about certain careers or they may know other knowledgeable people who can help students find valuable information about certain jobs. These contacts can lead to a shadowing opportunity or a volunteering experience or an apprenticeship.



Counsellors are professionals who help clients analyze their strengths and weaknesses. Furthermore, they help the client evaluate their skills and goals. Most noteworthy, these counsellors help determine a client’s career requirements.


The Internet

The internet is undoubtedly a valuable source of career information. The career information is enormous in magnitude. There is helpful information available on various websites, applications, blogs, articles, and videos, on the internet.


Libraries and Career Center

Libraries offer a massive amount of career information. Many trade publications and magazines are available in libraries and contain valuable career information about many different industries and businesses. Publications like books, magazines, newspapers, journals, periodicals, bulletins can provide information on all kinds of careers.


Career guidance tools

Checking Out Career Paths with Chaz is a program dedicated to 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th-grade students and home schooled students. It is a career guidance tool that helps students find possible careers that might be a good fit for them.  Using the product’s detailed instructions, students can investigate all types of occupations and jobs and be guided to make good career choices. This program can be used by parents, teachers, counsellors, and educational aides to assist students in narrowing down their search for the right career opportunities and further investigating those chosen occupations.

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