So……did you know everyone has their own unique learning style?

Why would anyone want to know their learning style? By identifying your learning style, you will be able to understand how you tend to learn the best. Knowing your learning style can help you become a more efficient learner. By using your unique learning style in day-to-day life, you will grasp concepts faster and with greater ease.


Every student absorbs, processes, comprehends and retains information differently in their own unique way. Many students use a combination of learning styles while others learn the best by using just one learning style. If you don’t know you learning style yet, it is worth taking the time to figure it out because there are many benefits to discovering how you process information the best.


Let’s take a look at the three primary learning styles:

  • Visual— Students who use the visual learning style prefer to use pictures and images to remember information and like to observe rather than talk or act. They tend to notice details, to use advanced planning, and enjoy reading.


  • Auditory— Students who use the auditory learning style prefer to repeat words out loud when memorizing information and to work on a conversational level. They tend to recall what they hear, like to repeat words out loud to memorize, and enjoy music.


  • Kinesthetic— Students who use the kinesthetic learning style prefer to be physically engaged in with their learning in ‘hands on’ activities and use their whole body to learn. They tend to express themselves through movement, remember best by writing things down, and explore the physical world around them by touching and feeling.


Even if you’ve never heard the term “learning style” before, it’s likely you already have an idea of how you learn the best. Knowing your learning style can help you at school by maximizing your learning potential, expanding your existing learning, and knowing which study strategies are effective for you. You can use this information to your advantage when you study or learning new information by using the learning style that works well for you.


Would you like to find an assessment to help you discover your learning style?  Checking Out Learning Styles with Chaz is a self-discovery assessment tool for guiding students towards how they learn the best. Understanding how you learn the best will invariably take you one step closer in helping you to become a productive and successful student.


We can help you identify what individual learning style you have and how you can build a successful career path.  Visit to explore this exceptional program today!